Kalamazoo is unique because it is a city with less than 100,000 residents but it has three institutions for higher learning. Additionally, Kalamazoo stands out as a community that supports education because of the Kalamazoo Promise. With such an emphasis on education and learning in our community, the City wanted to support and connect with students in a more meaningful way.

In April and May of 2022, City staff tabled at Western Michigan University and Kalamazoo College to determine the student bodies’ passions, interests, and concerns. This data was then used to design the first iteration of UniZooCity.


UniZooCity is an event series that will be brought to the three institutions for higher learning in Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo College, and Kalamazoo Valley Community College. This program is intended to engage students in the Kalamazoo community and local government.

The City will produce events that are hosted on college campuses. Some events to expect in the coming fall semester are

·         A bike workshop where students can come and fix their bikes as well as receive safety tips on biking in Kalamazoo.

·         A competition for Inventory Kalamazoo in which students will participate in a photographic survey of buildings in Kalamazoo and compete to see who can submit the most entries. The winners get cash prizes!

·         A “Pedestrian Party” where students can perform a walkability audit which gives the City valuable data to use when constructing sidewalks and other infrastructure.

·         A presentation on housing and homelessness that will inform students about the issues surrounding housing in Kalamazoo.


Jae Slaby, Neighborhood Activator

Zach DuMont, AmeriCorps Service Member


·         Engage students in the planning process and local government

·         Provide opportunities for students to connect with the city of Kalamazoo

·         Activate student volunteers to assist with City and community initiatives

·         Inform students about projects, plans, and issues in the community


Inventory Kalamazoo Competition for all three colleges: 9/12-10/31

Events at WMU:

·         “The Hunt” with Fall Welcome: 8/27

·         Bike Workshop: 9/23

·         Pedestrian Party and Walkability Audit: 10/28

·         Presentation on Housing and Homelessness: 11/15

Events at K: Dates to come

Events at KVCC: Dates to come


WMU (Office for Sustainability, Office of Government Relations, Campus Activities Board, Western Student Association), K College, KVCC, Discover Kalamazoo




UniZooCity is consistent with the City’s Public Participation Plan, which establishes that routine and cyclical engagement is important for good governance.


To empower students to participate in community and local government and to connect the city’s three institutions of higher learning with the greater community


Youth Development, Connected City, Good Governance, Inviting Public Places