We are looking for Westnedge Hill residents interested in helping create a new neighborhood association to join us and get involved! Be sure to take the survey below!

Background Information

Westnedge Hill is a residential neighborhood of approximately 1,100 homes and is one of Kalamazoo’s most historic areas. The neighborhood is situated at one of the highest points in the City and is characterized by a variety of single-family home styles along sometimes winding roads. Residents are currently working to create a new Westnedge Hill Neighborhood Association to serve the neighborhood. See the map below for the neighborhood’s boundaries.

Get Involved


The Westnedge Hill Neighborhood Association is being re-created! At the beginning of this journey we want to make sure that we have a good understanding of neighborhood priorities. Please take the neighborhood survey and let us know what you want to see in the Westnedge Hill Neighborhood.


Have you volunteered for Inventory Kalamazoo? Visit the Inventory Kalamazoo project page to get involved and help with the neighborhood plan! Data collected through the inventory will give us valuable data to create our plan.